Free Yoga

You can find more Free Yoga Classes on My YouTube Channel!

Roll out your mat, Hit Play and Practice!

Unconventional No Downward Dog Slow Flow

(Yoga in limba romana)

Tired of rushing through your mornings? Join me for an (unconventional) yoga experience that will transform the way you wake up.

Welcome to a slow and intentional yoga flow that invites you to breathe, move, and explore but within yourself.

Bedtime yoga: 20 minute Yoga pentru relaxare & un somn odihnitor

I invite you to wind down your body & mind with 20 minutes of yoga for relaxation before falling asleep. It’s a gentle practice that can be done on your yoga mat but works perfectly if you want to be sitting on your sofa or bed instead.

30 de minute Morning Yoga.Vinyasa Slow Flow

Begin your morning yoga practice in the most unexpected way - with Savasana!

Curious? Roll out your mat, hit play, and treat yourself to some precious 'you' time.